Summer strut

My whole adult life, it seems I’ve had a never-ending battle with my weight. And with every season I exert a new vigor and commitment to getting healthier. So when our family made our summer vacation plans several months ago, I immediately planned to totally commit myself to eating healthy in the hopes of looking fierce and fabulous this summer!

I’ve been watching my diet (most of the time) and have been working out regularly (most of the time). As a result, on my last physical two weeks ago, I was pleased to hear that my numbers are excellent and that I’ve dropped 10 pounds (Yay!) I’ve also lost several inches, am toning up and have a lot more energy. But, true to form, a “miracle” physical transformation hasn’t occurred. I still haven’t lost the significant amount of weight that I had hoped.

Just as I was about to beat myself up (again) and begrudgingly dread packing for our upcoming trip, I came across this fantastic posting, “Moms, put on that swimsuit”. It reminded me that what truly matters is spending quality time with my family and not worry so much about how I look. It also reminded me to appreciate and respect my body for what it is and the amazing things it can do.

So while we’re on our vacation, I’m going to focus on enjoying myself with my children and family, creating wonderful memories, and not being so obsessed and critical regarding my appearance. I’m also going to proudly stroll on the beach, head held high, soft tummy out, rockin’ my bathing suit … underneath a stylish and lovely cover-up. (Baby steps, people. Baby steps.) 🙂

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